Frequent Flyer Tools, Charts, Links and More

Route Specific Bonus Miles
Use this chart as a quick overview of all the bonus miles for flights from around the world available to Canadians.

Specific Bonus Miles for Car Rentals
Use this chart as a quick overview of all the bonus miles for renting cars around the world available to Canadians.

Earning Miles with Canadian Credit Cards
A quick overview of all the frequent flyer and frequent guest programs you can earn miles or points in with Canadian credit cards
Comparison Charts
I've Spent a Fortune! Could my Reward Have Been Better?
We take a look at how much you have to spend to redeem for flights with Canada's batch of travel anytime Credit Cards.
Flight Rewards Comparison - Europe
A comparison of the mileage required to redeem for a flight from Canada to Europe

Flight Rewards Comparison - Sun Desitnations
A comparison of the mileage required to redeem for a flight from Canada to the Caribbean, Central America Hawaii and Mexico

Flightl Rewards Comparison - North America
A comparison of the mileage required to redeem for a flight within Canada or to the USA (excl. Hawaii)

Travel Rewards Credit Card Comparison Chart
A comparison of some (not all) of the most popular travel reward credit cards available to Canadians.

Reward Ticket Fee Chart
Compare the fees paid on Rewards/Award Tickets from the major North American airline programs
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